High precision custom GUI for float

12 10 2009

As you probably know C4D is limited to 3 decimal places and thats frankly not enough in some situations.
So here’s some c++ code for the c4d plugin developer to get around that limitation. might be useful to some of you guys. maybe.

However its not possible to append unit strings (m, mm, °, etc.)

Looks like this:
High precision custom GUI for float

The code after the break…

The code:

#include "c4d.h"

const LONG CINDIGO_REAL_CUSTOMGUI = 1000001; //TODO: get plugin ID

static LONG restypetable[] = { DA_REAL };

class CindigoRealDlg : public iCustomGui
          INSTANCEOF(CindigoRealDlg, iCustomGui)
          BaseContainer m_settings;
          Real m_real;
          Bool m_tristate;
          CindigoRealDlg(const BaseContainer &settings, CUSTOMGUIPLUGIN *plugin)
          : iCustomGui(settings, plugin), m_real(), m_tristate(false), m_settings(settings)

          virtual void CustomGuiRedraw()

          virtual void DestroyWindow(void)

          virtual Bool CreateLayout (void)
               return TRUE;
          virtual Bool SupportLayoutSwitch()
               return FALSE;
          virtual Bool InitValues()

               return TRUE;

          void SetUnclampedReal(Real r)
               SetReal(1000, r);
               String s = RealToString(r,-1,5);

               //if r == 0.0 set 0
               if (r == 0.0) {
                    s = "0";
               } else {
                    //cut of trailing zeros
                    LONG i = 0;
                    for(i = s.GetLength()-1; i > 0; i--)
                         if (s[i] != '0') break;
                    s = s.SubStr(0, i+1);

               SetString(1000, s);
          virtual LONG Message(const BaseContainer& msg, BaseContainer& result)
               if ((msg.GetId() == BFM_ACTION) && msg.GetLong(BFM_ACTION_ID) == 1000)
                    if (msg.GetLong(BFM_ACTION_VALCHG) || msg.GetReal(BFM_ACTION_VALUE,MAXREAL) != MAXREAL)
                         m_real = msg.GetReal(BFM_ACTION_VALUE);


                         return TRUE; //message processed

               return GeDialog::Message(msg,result);
          virtual Bool Command(LONG id, const BaseContainer& msg)
               switch (id)
               case 1000:
                         BaseContainer m(msg);
                         m.SetLong(BFM_ACTION_ID, GetId());
                         m.SetData(BFM_ACTION_VALUE, GetData().GetValue());

               return TRUE;
          virtual Bool SetData(const TriState &tristate)
               m_real = tristate.GetValue().GetReal();
               m_tristate = tristate.GetTri();

               return TRUE;
          virtual TriState GetData()
               GetReal(1000, m_real);
               return GeData(m_real);

class CindigoRealGui : public CustomGuiData
          virtual LONG GetId() { return CINDIGO_REAL_CUSTOMGUI; }
          virtual CDialog* Alloc(const BaseContainer &settings)
               CindigoRealDlg* dlg = gNew CindigoRealDlg(settings, GetPlugin());
               if (!dlg) return NULL;
               CDialog *cdlg = dlg->Get();
               if (!cdlg) return NULL;
               return cdlg;
          virtual void Free(CDialog *dlg, void *userdata)
               if (!dlg || !userdata) return;
               CindigoRealDlg *sub = static_cast(userdata);
          virtual const CHAR *GetResourceSym()
          virtual CHAR *GetResourceSym()
               return "CINDIGO_REAL_GUI";
          virtual LONG GetResourceDataType(LONG *&table)
               table = restypetable;
               return sizeof(restypetable)/sizeof(LONG);

Bool RegisterRealGUI()
     static BaseCustomGuiLib mylib;
     return InstallLibrary(CINDIGO_REAL_CUSTOMGUI, &mylib, 1000, sizeof(mylib))
     RegisterCustomGuiPlugin("My String GUI", PLUGINFLAG_HIDE, gNew CindigoRealGui);



3 responses

6 11 2009

I almost cried when I saw these pics… they’re just so beautiful!

25 11 2009

Lange gewünscht, endlich da… riesendank und supergeil!
Longing for that for ages… and finally! Awesome, thanks a lot!

25 11 2009

haha, ja, leider hats es nicht in die Cindigo 2.2.8 geschafft. Das ganze ist ein ziemlich haesslicher hack und es hatte einfach zu viele macken. vielleicht im naechsten release 🙂

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